How can therapies be searched in Mastermind?

Therapies are indexed by their unique ingredient identifier (UNII). They can be searched in Mastermind by brand name, generic name, UNII, or investigational name.

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Can I include multiple phenotypes or other associations in a single search?

Yes. Start by entering your first phenotype into the search bar. Enter the second phenotype into the search bar, and identify the desired term from the drop down list of suggestions. To manually add another phenotype to the search, press shift on your keyboard then click the term from the drop down list. You can …

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Can the Articles list be sorted by date?

Yes. Articles can be sorted by match count, publication date, journal name, or impact factor using the drop down on the top right corner of the Articles list, under Publication History. By default, articles are sorted by Relevance.

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How is Relevance determined?

Mastermind’s Relevancy score is a set of algorithms used to prioritize articles by their relevance to a search and present the most relevant articles to the user. This incorporates numerous parameters intrinsic to each article itself (such as journal impact factor) and contextual evidence to the search being performed (such as where/how often the variant …

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Can you search for titles and/or authors?

Yes. In the Articles list, first click “Filter” to open the search bar, then you can filter the list of articles by article title, journal name, or author.

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What are the Filter Categories in Mastermind and how can they be used?

Filter Categories are available with Mastermind Professional Edition. The purpose of the Filter Categories is to add specificity to searches by filtering in articles that mention keywords of interest. The main keyword categories include: ACMG Interpretation, Clinical Significance, Genetic Mechanism and Significant Terms in Abstract. Users have the ability to Enable All keywords within one …

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