Curation on Demand

Variant curation and interpretation support from Genomenon

Evidence curation for variant interpretation is a time-consuming process.
But it doesn’t have to be.

Genomenon now offers evidence curation and variant classification services, accessed on-demand, or as a longer-term extension of your own team.

Genomenon Curate Pro

empowers your variant interpretation team to be even more efficient through our rapid on-demand evidence curation and variant classification services. We have the global team and the technology to solve your evidence curation needs, allowing your team to focus on variant interpretation and high-value patient-facing reporting.

  • Leverages Genomenon’s AI curation engine and expert review
  • Delivers a comprehensive evidence brief for each variant, reviewing Mastermind’s 9.5 million full-text articles and 3 million supplemental data sets
  • Increases efficiencies that lower costs and decrease turnaround time
  • Allows you to scale as needed

Genomenon Interpret

connects you with a pool of highly trained genomic scientists who can join as an extension of your own team and quickly ramp up to make an impact. Our global team provides a high-value solution for supporting genomic scientist teams in their variant curation and interpretation work.

  • Features genomic scientists with extensive experience in the curation of germline and somatic variants.
  • Follows client SOPs and delivers ACMG/AMP variant interpretation Integrates with your own workflow
  • Increases efficiencies that lower costs and decrease turnaround time
  • Annual contract basis

Contact to learn more.